I’m not the expert, I don’t know what I’m talking about.The reasons will vary from writer to writer and even from task to task, but here are some common ones: The first step to overcoming writer’s block is to try and understand what lies behind it. Here’s how you can become one of those writers. And they’re the ones who are likely to move past it more quickly. But there are writers who have a different approach to writer’s block, who don’t see it as an unsurmountable problem. But rest assured, writer’s block happens to all writers. They’re scary, overwhelming, and frustrating, and they can be extremely powerful, especially in corporate writing. The conviction that you’re a fraud, that you’re in the wrong job and your boss will find out at any moment. The block is often caused by, or results in, a range of feelings: panic the certainty that you have no idea what you’re doing a lack of belief that you can’t do the writing and you’ll never finish what you started, or that you’ll never start at all. But it’s the psychological aspect behind it that has the greatest impact. Writer’s block is, in the simplest terms, the inability to get words down on paper. The ones who probably don’t see themselves as writers yet have to find a way to construct a persuasive piece of copy. The people we often forget are writers, yet are expected to write daily.

But what about the lawyer struggling to write a letter to his client? Or the salesperson trying to write an outreach email? The entrepreneur trying to write a business proposal? Or the copywriter struggling to write about a topic they know nothing about? This article is for all writers, yes, but with a special angle toward these writers, the ones likely found in the corporate world.

Yet we often associate it with the novelists, journalists or playwrights out there. Writer’s block happens to the best of us. A guest blog by Carol Butler, Content Writer, Virtual College